The Mud Ball
The Mud'n More Mix Ball. If you have ever tried to mix mud before, you know that it can be a super frustrating process. You spend too much valuable time struggling to get all of those chunks of powder out and achieve that desired smooth consistency. All while racing the wheel of time to do so before the mud starts to set. If you could find a tool to help you in making this process more efficient, wouldn’t you want to give it a shot?
Well, we stumbled upon a product that we are absolutely smitten by, and might make all of your wildest dreams come true… at least your mud mixing dreams, that is.
This handy little guy is a silicone ball with a paddle that attaches to your standard drill. It comes with two measuring cups. One for the mud mix, and one for the water. Just add 3 scoops of 5 Minute Mud, one scoop of water, and mix to your hearts content. Before you know it you will have the perfect, silky mud with ZERO chunks.
Cleanup is just as easy. Because of its silicone lined inside, you can literally just let the mud dry inside the ball. Give it a little squeeze and it will all crumble out. Followed by a quick rinse, and it’ll be good as new.
This is one product that everyone needs stocked up in their rig. It saves us an immeasurable amount of time AND gives you a better consistency of mud. What more could you want? Plus, if you’re feeling really adventurous, you can use this handy little set up for Saturday morning pancakes… just don’t tell the spouse.
To learn more or to purchase the Mud’n More Mix Ball, CLICK HERE.