The Idaho Painter's story. How he got where he is at as a painter.

The Idaho Painter's Story

Whether you’ve been a part of my email list, subscribe to my YouTube channel, or follow me on social media for a few weeks or a few years, I want to take a moment to thank you and formally welcome you to the Paint Life Community.
This is our corner of the web where all painters, from DIYers to pros, can find everything they need to paint at their best.
I’d like to tell you more about myself and my family-run business, Paint Life Supply. I’ll also tell you about the challenges I faced as a young painter and the exact moment I knew I wanted to help others master the craft.
But first, let me explain why I’m writing this.
I love connecting with my audience and hearing about your painting experiences, so I’m writing this to start the conversation.
Because Paint Life is more than just a brand or a YouTube channel— it’s a way of life. Together we make up a community of like-minded painters who want the best: the best techniques, the best tools, and the best results. 
And that’s exactly what we’re here to bring you: the best tools and training to help you master your craft and get you excited about painting.
Which brings me to my YouTube channel, Paint Life TV. With over 2,000 videos, you can learn expert techniques from me, a pro painter with over 30 years of experience in the industry.
Check out this popular video where I break down how to paint a room in ten simple steps:
10 Steps Painting a Room FAST and EASY
One viewer said:
“I’m a qualified painter and decorator and still found these tips useful.”
Another said:
“I’m half convinced I just watched John Cena teach me how to paint.”
I’m not gonna lie, I get both of these comments A LOT.
And that’s why I make these YouTube videos (not for the John Cena comments, but for the other one). Helping painters succeed is what drives me.
I believe finding success in painting can pave the way for achieving even bigger dreams.
For me, success is measured by the strength of my family. This career has granted me the freedom to spend quality time with my loved ones and provide them with the life I’ve always envisioned.
I know you’re after that same kind of freedom— financial independence and the ability to be present with your family and loved ones. That’s what true success looks like.
Whether your goal is to start your own painting business, expand your team to free up more time, or simply tackle home projects yourself to save money, I’m here to help you make it happen.
Check out my tutorials and product reviews on Paint Life TV and my blog, Ask the Idaho Painter. 
For those looking to dive deeper, I’ve also created the Paint Life Academy, a series of paid courses for ambitious painters looking to master their craft.
I’ll tell you more about Paint Life Academy, along with the story of what (or who) inspired me to start teaching other painters the art of painting.
Since I mentioned my family, here’s a little bragging! Paint Life is completely family-run, with my wife and daughters working alongside me. When you support Paint Life, you’re supporting a family that cares deeply about this industry and about helping you succeed.


The family of Paint Life Supply Co. your supplier of paint supplies
I’ve been a painter for over three decades, but I still remember the daily struggle of my first five years. It was all trial and error back then. I was completely self-taught, with no guidance or resources to turn to.
It was just me, figuring things out the hard way. 
I left runs on walls and trim and got paint on ceilings and carpet. The first time I sprayed trim indoors was a complete disaster. Let’s just say, I got kicked off more than one jobsite. It wasn’t a good feeling.
Back then, there was an epidemic of isolation in the trades. No one shared tips or offered a helping hand.
When I was in the paint store, other painters would barely even make eye contact.
There was a scarcity mindset in the trades that made painters believe helping each other would mean losing out on work for themselves.
Which meant in those early years I had no YouTube, no books on painting, and no community to lean on.
But I stuck with it. Every error became a lesson, and through that, I became a better painter.
Then, one day, I met another painter at the paint store. He was older, the kind of guy who looked like he’d had dried paint on his hands for decades.
He was friendly and helpful. He wanted to know how my business was going.
I told him I had taken on a lacquer job, but I had no idea how to bid it because I’d never used the stuff before (funny enough, I don’t even use lacquer anymore— if you’re curious why you can read about that here).
Amazingly, this grizzled and seasoned painter actually helped me! He explained everything I needed to know to complete the job successfully. I couldn’t believe it.
The information he shared was valuable, but the encouragement he gave was priceless.
That interaction was transformative. I decided right then that I wanted to be that kind of painter— the kind that shares information and lifts others up. I wanted to help other painters learn and find success.
That mentality pushed me to create Paint Life and start making educational videos.
Now, I’ve expanded that vision with Paint Life Academy.
Paint Life Academy is a series of online courses that teach painters everything they need to know about painting cabinets, exteriors, and furniture, plus the ins and outs of masking and caulking.
We provide complete lesson plans that show painters exactly how to run a successful business.
The courses start with the basics, like marketing your services to attract clients and creating winning bids that outshine your competition. From there, you’ll master the skills needed to handle complex projects and consistently deliver exceptional results.
Avoid the trial and error and jump straight to being a successful painter.
P.S. Keep an eye out for our two new courses coming soon: Epoxy Garage Floors and Staining Decks and Fences!
P.P.S. Don’t forget, we also offer invoice and bid packages to help you impress potential clients. With our customizable templates, you can leave a lasting first impression that wins jobs.
Thanks for taking the time to read my story. I hope you now see why I’m so proud of my family-run business and our mission to provide painters with the best possible training.
I’ve talked a lot about teaching painters proper technique, but there’s something else I haven’t mentioned yet…
Paint Life Supply— our online paint store.
Every tool and product in our store has been tested by me on real job sites, and it’s the same gear I use every day.
Browsing our store is like stepping into my workshop because I only sell what I trust.
After 30 years in the industry, I’ve used just about every painting tool you can imagine, and I’ve hand-picked the best for other hardworking painters like you.
Let me tell you about one of my favorites: the Ekasand 3x4 Sander. This power sander completely changed the game for me.
When I first started painting cabinets, I used those foam sanding blocks. It was tedious and exhausting and made me dread cabinet jobs altogether. I hated sanding.
Then I found the Ekasand 3x4 Sander and it changed everything. The process became fast and easy and I found myself actually enjoying it.
It’s by far the best power sander out there, perfect for curved surfaces, corners, and edges, with minimal vibrations and a dust collection system that keeps your job sites spotless.
Here’s what one customer said:
“Works great. Fits great in hand. Best tool bought for cabinets.”
And another:
“This takes the work out of ever having to hand sand again! Everything about this sander is amazing.”
This is just one of our GAME CHANGING tools we offer.
Helping you succeed starts with having the BEST tools in your hands.
When you invest in yourself and your business, you’re not just buying supplies— you’re setting yourself up to: 

  • save time
  • boost your earnings
  • and make your projects run smoother
Success comes from showing up with the right knowledge, the right tools, and the right mindset to tackle any job.
That’s what being an excellent painter is all about.
Chris Berry The Idaho Painter
P.S. Here’s another review from a happy customer:
“I very much appreciate your supplies, experienced advice, recommendations on products you use and find most effective, reasonable pricing with superb customer service, friendly follow-up, and excellent packaging and shipping. I also love that you provide and support products made by painters. The added touch of creative shirts and related items is really cool. I’m a DIYer, love the challenge of learning and improving an environment. I’m so pleased to have recently discovered your store and wonderful products.”


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