LeadCheck, Avoid Bad Clients
As a professional painter, and as a former painting company owner, I’m very well aware of just how many websites and places there are for clients to review their experiences with you and your company. There’s everything from Yelp, Google, Nextdoor, Angie’s List - the list goes on and on. Reviews can make or break your company - so make sure you’ve got excellent customer service. I also have experience with individuals creating defamatory reviews against my former company, including people who have created one star reviews full of false information, and whom we never did any work for. More than that, what about all the potential clients that have been a headache to work with, wasted your time, and been an all-around hassle? What if there was a way to leave reviews on them, to warn future contractors of them?
Let me introduce you to Leadcheck - a new program that allows you to anonymously review the clients you work with. Rate and review your customers - 100% anonymous and secure. The team at Leadcheck believes that contractors and service providers are overworked, underpaid and underappreciated - so let them save you some valuable time when picking clients to work with! It is extremely unlikely that a client will ever see your anonymous review about them. Leadcheck is a closed system that requires a sign-up process and payment. There are also internal filters that verify the legitimacy of companies and works to keep companies that cannot be verified out of the system. Simply put, you need to be a member to get access to client information on Leadcheck.
With this system, you’re able to check reviews from other contractors and service companies in your area on the client in question, and Leadcheck also tracks their bid-shopping behavior. The data on their bid-shopping generates a tire-kicker score - it would lean towards the higher end if they were reaching out to around six to seven companies for a job. From there, you can decide if this is a client that you want to be creating an in-depth detailed estimate for, or if you just want to send them ballpark numbers. Leadcheck will also show where you are in line - if the customer has contacted one painter before you, two painters after you, etc.
When you hop onto the system, the first thing you’re going to see on your dashboard is your lead list - a list of all of the customers you’ve inputted into the system, whether that is manually or through CRM or web integration. Clicking on a client, you’ll be able to run a report on them to see reviews about them on one side, and their bid-shopping activity on the other side. You’ll see scores for things like time wasted, if their worth the money, if there have been any disputes/litigation reported with them, and the overall stress levels of them working with other contractors. You are also able to give each client a star rating and input various archetypes to attach to your review - like distrustful, impatient, time waster, etc.
All reviews are anonymous, so you won’t see the other contracting company that made the review, and they won’t see yours either. Leadcheck will also not share your leads or company information. Reviews are attached to the individual person and not the address, so when that person moves, those reviews will move with them and not affect new homeowners. As time passes, Leadcheck will send you information as it is updated by other companies regarding bid-shopping behavior and additional reviews - no need to go in and check it yourself, we’ll let you know when there’s something new to look at right in your email.
The effectiveness of the program is the amount of people and contracting companies using it, going onto the system and adding information. The minimum viable network for the system is to acquire information from the top/largest two to three companies in the area. After that, information starts moving very quickly. If one company signs up, the team at Leadcheck is going to pursue other companies in the area.
Right now, you’ll pay $1 to use the service for thirty days, and $1 per lead when that lead has information to report/add to the system. Mass adoption of this system is critical - let’s save contractors and painters some time and money by not letting them go after bad clients. Check out Leadcheck today at and join for only $1. Click To Join.