Choosing An Exterior Paint
When choosing an exterior house paint, there are a few factors you need to consider:
The climate: The climate you live in will affect the type of paint you need. If you live in a cold climate, you will need a paint that can withstand freezing temperatures. Benjamin Moore Aura is my go to in this environment. If you live in a hot climate, you will need a paint that can withstand high temperatures. Benjamin Moore Aura also works well in hot climates as well as Kelly Moore Acryshield. If you live in a rainy, moist climate you may need a paint that can withstand moisture soon after application. If it there is a possibility that it will rain, I have used Sherwin Williams Resilience during a light rain and it still dried.
I have recently used Behr Dynasty that covered extremely well and did not milk after it rained several hours after application. It dries quick, has a nice sheen, and does not splatter. If you are spraying, use proper pressure and a new tip or overspray can be an issue. See my review of Behr Dynasty HERE.
The surface: The type of surface you are painting will also affect the paint that you need. If you are painting a wood surface, then you will need a paint that is designed for wood. Benjamin Moore ArborCoat is a good choice for wood. If you are painting a brick surface, you will need a paint that is designed for brick such as H&C Stain.
The color: The color you choose will be a matter of personal preference. However, you should also consider the color of your roof and other exterior elements when choosing a paint color. If you are painting vinyl siding it is important to use vinyl safe colors. Check your local paint store for their vinyl safe color palette. When I am color consulting I take many factors into consideration including landscaping, roof color, neighboring house colors, and window color to name a few. You can watch my color consulting video at Paint Life TV: Watch Here
The preferred finish: The finish of the paint will affect the look of your home. Choose your sheen wisely. A matte or flat finish works well on traditionally flat surfaces. A glossy finish will give your home a plastic look but may be preferred in coastal or wet climates cause of its ability to repel and resist water.
I prefer a flat on stucco and shake surfaces, and satin finish on trim and the body of the house when the house is made of composite materials or Hardy plank. For accents like shake gables I prefer a flat finish. If I am dealing with a traditional wood sided home I will be using a flat stain.
Once you have considered some these factors, you can start shopping for exterior house paint and your local paint store or home improvement shop. I prefer Benjamin Moore or Behr paints. Here are a few tips for choosing the right paint:
Read the labels: Before you buy a paint, be sure to read the label and TDS (technical data sheet). The label will tell you the type of paint, the color, the finish, and the coverage. The TDS will give you other important information about the paint. If you have never read a TDS, I highly recommend you read one for the paint you will be using. A TDS gives you proper application information you do not want to miss.
Apply the paint properly: Once you have chosen a paint, be sure to apply it properly. The TDS will direct you in application. This will help to ensure that the paint lasts for years to come. A paint is only as good as the prep work and application. Make sure you apply two coats if required and make sure you are applying it at the proper Mil thickness. If you do not follow these guidelines, a paint failure is likely to happen.
Be Aware of the Warranty but: do not take the warranty literally. No paint will last a lifetime, nor will a 25 year warranty paint last 25 years. A warranty only gives you an idea of the grade of paint within that manufacture. Read the warranty very carefully. If improperly applied the warranty is void. No warranty will cover fading which is where most paints fail first.
We doing exterior repaints I never sacrifice on quality. Whatever paint I choose to use I will only use a lifetime warranty paint in that brand.