My Go To Spackle

My Go To Spackle

My Go To Spackle?

I keep two types of spackle in my trailer—lightweight and a heavyweight product; My heavy weight is Crawfords vinyl spackling.  My lightweight go to spackle is Tower Lite Wall spackle both from Paint Life Supply Co.

With Crawfords heavyweight spackle, you are definitely limited to the size of patch you can fill when compared to Tower Lite Wall. I prefer Crawfords spackle most of the time because of it durability, bonding capabilities, and how well it tools.   

I personally believe Crawfords heavyweight spackle is stronger than a lightweight product. 3M claims they have a technology, Glass Bubble, that makes lightweight as strong or stronger.  I am not convinced from my experience.

One significant drawback to heavyweight spackle is that it tends to sag more and this is true as the hole gets larger. It’s also prone to shrinking once dry and may crack on larger repairs. All this means is that you will have to skim a second coat after it shrinks. If this is bothersome then switch to a Tower Lite Wall spackle. I typically use Crawford spackle on small dents, dings, and holes roughly the size of a pencil eraser.

Tower Lite Wall is less likely to shrink or crack, for holes the size of a dime or bigger.  Lite Wall also dries way faster. Lite Wall dries in about 20-30-minutes, whereas Crawfords requires significantly more time. 

Whether you use a Tower Lite Wall or Crawfords heavyweight vinyl spackle, when the surface is ready, make sure to sand lightly. Sanding is made easy with Uneeda Ekadiamond sanding sponges from Paint Life Supply Co. I recommend Blue 180-grit, or Orange 220-grit. Do not forget to spot prime for a perfect no flash finish. 

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